in the listening

this morning in the listening before i was fully awake god spoke you she said, her voice silver are the apple of my eye she meant me but not only she meant every single one of us here: in the silence put your ear to her lips

in the listening2019-04-27T15:23:53+01:00

this world

today the sky is white bright white blinding spirit bright against it the white blossom on the cherry tree in the car park the other side of my house looks dirty human. warm. the sweet hum of the world

this world2019-04-27T15:19:59+01:00


and you may find yourself wanting wanting to know this or that or any of these things Does. He. Will. We. Forever: grasping mind. nothing: ash, reaching for ash. nothing reaching for nothing nothing to know except you. in every moment: This.
